(989) 835-8260


No immediate action is required.  If problems arise check the transformer and timer and email us at customerservice@rederlandscaping.com.

Lighting System Guarantee:

  • All of our lighting materials and workmanship are warranted for a full 2 years.
  • Kichler fixtures are warranted for 5-15 years depending on type and material, transformers are warranted for 10 years.  Replacement LED bulbs are guaranteed for 6 years or 30,000 hours, there is no warranty on non LED bulbs.  Component warrantees after 2 years do not include labor.

Questions?  Email us at customerservice@rederlandscaping.com

Request a Maintenance Quote

If you are unsure what maintenance service you need, don’t worry! One of our lawn and landscape maintenance professionals will walk you through the entire process. We look forward to working with you!