(989) 835-8260

The weather lately has been beautiful. Cool, no humidity, plenty of rain. It has been wonderful. In my opinion it could stay this way the rest of the summer. Unfortunately as we all know, it won’t last. Soon the humidity, and hot dry weather of summer will be here. That’s good for those who want to go swimming, but for those of us who work outside it’s not so fun. It is also not so fun for those of us who want to have a nice lush lawn. In June between the 23 through July 5 the European Chafer Beetles will be emerging. If you had any damage last year or this spring in your dryish lawn, you will be a prime target. The females love to lay their eggs in dry lawn. The adults emerge from the soil at night, mate and lay eggs. One way to avoid damage from Chafer Beetles is to water your lawn with 1″ of water per week for the next 4 weeks. If it stays moist and mother nature gives us 1″ of water per week you probably won’t have to irrigate. If watering your lawn that much is not an option, you can always treat your lawn with GrubEx. If you have a professional apply the insecticide, we have many more options of chemicals to use.