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Phenlogy is a study in the correlation between bloom times, degree days, and insect emergence. It is very useful in IPM. IPM is integrated pest management. Integrated pest management is the practice of using biological controls, cultural practices and chemicals to...

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Shrub Planting

Last week I wrote about pruning but didn’t have enough space to address all the aspects of pruning that gardeners need to know about. This week we will finish the discussion about pruning. Shrubs are another category of pruning that takes a little more time to write...

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Gardening Mistakes

Let’s talk about some mistakes that can be made in the garden and lawn. Now that its June and we are all going to be doing a lot of lawn mowing, we need to consider the height at which you cut your grass. The healthiest height to keep your lawn during the summer 2...

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Rain Rain Everywhere

We have all heard the nursery rhyme, April showers bring May flowers, what do Mayflowers bring? Pilgrims of course. This year we did not get much rain in April to bring out our May flowers (even though a lot of them were beautiful this year) and we are not getting...

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Moles Moles Moles

I once was involved with a television program called “Ask the Professional”. It appeared on public television through Delta College. My husband Chuck, a horticulturist at Dow Gardens, was one of the moderators and I was behind the scenes answering the phone....

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What’s Buggin You?

We’ve been attacked!! Not by aliens but by bugs! This winter has been simply horrendous for white grubs. Our lawns have been decimated by the little beasts chewing on the roots and crowns of our grass plants. Homeowner’s have until May 15th, according to Michigan...

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Spring Update

Spring has sprung, finally! What’s in bloom? All the Maples, take a look at the beautiful red flowers on the Red Maples- Acer rubrum. Corneliancherry Dogwood-Cornus mas, Border forsythia- Forsythia intermedia, numerous bulbs including scilla, daffodills, grape...

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Spring Clean-Up

Spring cleanup, what does that mean exactly? Let’s examine that question. Spring brings us not only warmer weather and good amounts of rain, but also leftover leaves, branches that have fallen out of the trees over winter, trash that has blown into the yard etc. So...

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Spring Tips for the Gardener

Spring is calling us! We have been cooped up in the house too long. As soon as the snow is gone we will all be itching to get outside and “play” in the garden. Here are some spring tips for the gardener in each of us. Spring clean-up, get out the rakes and give the...

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