(989) 835-8260

The Holiday Season is a special time of year, and one of the things that make it so special are all the beautiful holiday lights that you see decorating houses and businesses around Midland.

And for the 2012 Holiday Season Reder Landscaping is introducing an exciting new service … Holiday Lighting Design and Installation!

So now you have a couple of options for getting your home shining brightly for the Holidays. Let’s examine them:

Option A: Have Reder Landscaping Do-It-For-You

This option is for those who want to work with one of Reder’s talented landscape designers to come up with a custom Holiday Lighting Plan that is tailored to the architecture and landscaping of your home or business. Our plan for you would use beautiful LED lights that are both energy-efficient and durable.

This option would also appeal to those who would like a trusted Reder crew to take care of installing your lights, taking them down at the end of the season, as well as storing them for you for next year.

Option B: Do-It-Yourself

This option is for those who enjoy spending their precious free time standing on ladders in freezing-cold weather, enduring frost bitten fingers, and monkeying around with broken bulbs and shorted wires.

So if Option A sounds appealing to you contact us today to learn more about how Reder Landscaping can make your home the showpiece of your neighborhood this Holiday Season while taking all the hassle out of your hands!

Or if Option B sounds good to you, and you identify with Clark Griswold from “National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation”, we wish you Good Luck!

Just for fun! ☛