(989) 835-8260
3 Reasons for Dead Patches in Your Lawn

3 Reasons for Dead Patches in Your Lawn

With temps reaching near-record highs, drought conditions and extreme humidity, it has been a very hard year on Michigan landscapes, especially on lawns.  Other than the obvious damage from lawns drying up due to lack of water, the extreme weather we have had has...
Integrated Pest Management for an Environmentally-Friendly Lawn

Integrated Pest Management for an Environmentally-Friendly Lawn

Having a beautiful, lush lawn shouldn’t be the product of irresponsibly using lots of chemicals. At Reder Landscaping we are committed to the environment. That’s why our lawn fertilization and pest control services, as well as our lawn maintenance programs, adhere to...
Grubs, Grubs, Grubs

Grubs, Grubs, Grubs

We recently posted an article on Snow Mold, which is a common but relatively harmless turf disease that is seen very early in the growing season just after the snow melts here in Mid- Michigan. Later in the spring, after a few rains and some warmer weather, lawns will...